Your Eye on the Apple
of the ways we unconsciously avoid really understanding ourselves
is not to know what we are doing. It takes a conscious effort
to see what we are up to. Again let's start with simple, non-threatening
observations. Notice, when we start to eat an orange or an
apple, how we really enjoy the first bite, "Wow, it tastes
good." But after the first bite our attention starts
to lapse. After the first bite or two, we can eat the whole
orange or apple and not be aware of it at all. Unless we learn
the art of observing ourselves, we kind of fall asleep to
90 percent of our experience..
Notice how hard it is to observe how we cut up a whole orange
to eat it. We kind of check out after the first slice and
the cutting goes on by automatic pilot. We listen to a favorite
record, for the first few notes maybe, then it kind of goes
on without us. When we start to see this we can get some idea
of how odd it is that depression doesn't just go on without
us too. We get some idea that maybe we are hanging on to it.
We may start to wonder how we hang on to every nuance of depression,
but not hang on to half the notes of a favorite song.
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