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The Transition Exercise
Even when we have formed a good neuronal pathway that triggers up to remind us that we can use simple exercises to immediately thought-jam the chemical pain of depression and anxiety, sometimes we still get hooked on some kind of  negative thinking about some past injustice, failure, insult or loss that is so insistent and seductive that it we hesitate to use even the simple “green frog, green frog,” or “yes, yes, yes.” We get sucked into our own sad story. Our minds are so powerful that they do not want to let go of what they are worrying about. We start to buy the mind’s opinion. Yes, this is a terrible thing. We must think about this. At this point we hesitate to get right into our thought-jamming exercises, no matter how simple.
The seduction of a worry is a little different from the agonizing pain of depression. Remember that the mind is imminently resourceful. It grows new neuronal pathways all the time and will counteract any positive plan with it’s bent toward being a defense mechanism: and therefore to head straight for the negative. So if we are starting to get real involved with some negative thinking that is coming in the back door,  we can say to ourselves this transition statement, “Hey, this kind of thinking is not good, remember. For this kind of thinking we need to do some exercises to get out of it because it will not do us or anybody any good.” Just going over this sentence in our mind, saying it to ourselves several times will lessen the hypnotic effect of the “old story” and we can then jump  into some simple thought-jamming exercises, “yes, yes, yes” or “green frog, green frog”  to get rid of it and then, once the connection with the negative story is broken, get on with more positive thinking. The mind is very clever but we have the ultimate power over what we think because we can eternally create new thoughts. The mind can only re-echo thoughts once they are created.


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