Your Fear
a bank. You walk up to the front counter and hand over all
your fear. "Put this in my account please, and I expect
to draw positive interest." One time I was way over budget
in a remodeling project and every time the contractor told
me about some added expense my heart just froze in fear. Then
I got the idea of turning the fear around. I told myself that
for every dollar I spent in remodeling I would receive two
dollars profit when I put the house up for sale; which was
going to happen shortly as my husband had been transferred
to a new office before we were half-way through the house
improvements. The next time the contractor upped some item
on me thought "Good, I'll make another $150." Yes,
this is pure fantasy. But since we don't know what's in the
future why not fantasize something good instead of it's fearful
opposite. Most fears never come to pass either but by the
time we know that, the fear has already done our body a lot
of harm. By the way, we did make an unlooked for profit on
the house as the market suddenly took an upturn.
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